With the covid crisis set to continue for the moment, we have decided to continue the zoom classes for the moment for dates after Easter.The principles remain as before:groups/sections can now book with the booking secretary Carol Ivany email:
Bookings are subject to suitable instructors being available on the preferred dates, the groups providing zoom connections, and risk assessment as per The Scout Association requirements. Please advise any time restrictions, although a very maximum of 45 minutes has proven to be suitable for scouts and cubs at least.
Courses available are the staged scout aviation badges 1-6 incl, meteorology, and air/sea navigation.
The group must provide their own assessment and badges. For the moment, we will do this on a free of charge basis, although this could change if we require additional software and hardware.
And of course, as we all hope, when face-to-face scouting is possible again we intend to restart the courses and flying as in the good old days before covid !