Ron Fox

Ron Fox Development Fund

Ron Fox, who passed away in 2018, was a Scout Leader in the former Clapham District (now part of Lambeth), a District Commissioner and Chair for the former Lewisham North District, and a Chair of the Lewisham Development Project. Ron left a £318,000 legacy to be used for the benefit of Lewisham Scouting.

Following a District-wide consultation and recommendations by a Working Group, the District Executive Committee decided to use the money primarily to develop Scouting in Lewisham and help young people to have opportunities to enhance their Scouting experience and establish a panel to consider applications and distribute grants

‘’I am writing to let you know that we held our proposed adult recruitment day on Saturday 12th November.  We had a number of parents attend plus one other adult supporter.  A great, fun day was had by all and included some interesting discussions about the fun adults can also
get out of scout leadership.  I am pleased to report that at the end of the day, 2 of the adults came forward to offer their help; one as a Beaver Leader and one as a Scout Leader. The Group would like to thank the Ron Fox Development Fund panel for allowing us to run this event.’’

Gill Leach, 6th Lewisham South Group Scout Leader Volunteer

Application Form

Click the button below to download your grant application form today!

All applications are to be submitted to

Garry Leach
Rox Fox Chair
Submit Applications

Ron Fox: Guidance Notes

Terms of reference

  1. The Fund is managed by an Awards Panel which is a sub-committee of the District Executive Committee. The size of the pot will be established by the DEC (based on the income received by the fund) but the allocation of the money will be delegated to the panel.
  2. The fund is to be used to provide grants for financial support to assist Scout Groups and Explorer Units in the Scout District of Lewisham
  3. Applications for support for relevant projects will also be considered for Frylands Wood Activity Centre and Hammerwood Camp Site while both these assets remain within the management and/or ownership of Lewisham District Scout Council or Scout Groups registered in Lewisham Scout District.
  4. The fund is to be used to develop, promote growth and assist with the experience of Scouting for the young people in the Scout District of Lewisham.
  5. The money in the fund will be invested in a low to medium-risk account or accounts and the interest received will fund grants for successful applications.
  6. The Award Panel will normally meet to consider applications four times a year, ideally in January, April, July, and October. Any changes in meeting months will be published on the District website. In the event of no applications being made, a decision not to meet may be taken.

    Applications for consideration must be submitted to the panel chair by the 1st day of the meeting months mentioned above to allow panel members to have time to read and consider all applications.  In exceptional circumstances, the panel may agree to consider urgent applications outside of the usual submission dates.

    Equally, if an urgent application for funds is received, the panel may consider holding an additional meeting. 
  7. Applications from Groups are made by completing the form made available by the Awards Panel and indicating the sum applied for.

    Where there is an application to purchase an item or items, supporting documentation should be attached to the application such as the costs of items to be purchased and where possible, photographs.

    The application must be signed and approved by either the Group Scout Leader or the Group Chair. In the absence of a Group Scout leader or Chair, the District Commissioner may consider an application and if agreed they will be the appointed approver of the application before submission to the awards panel.
  8. If an application is for partial funding for a specific project, the applicant must provide full details of any funding applied for or proposed to be applied for from any other funders.  and details of any self-fundraising for the project.
  9. Applications submitted by Groups will only be considered by the panel if the Group has sent their up-to-date and approved accounts to the District Secretary in accordance with POR.  This is because the panel must consider whether an application is appropriate should the Group have a significant surplus of monies.   However, a Group may make a case for a grant even if the accounts show a surplus. This might be because the surplus is either ring-fenced or designated for specific purposes.  Explorer Units must also have submitted up-to-date income and expenditure accounts with the District Treasurer.
  10. The Fund will provide awards to support the development of existing Groups subject to sufficient income from investments being available.  This might involve supporting an application for a small start-up grant to open a new section within an existing Group or include funding to support the development of Scouting in diverse areas of the District and areas of deprivation.
  11. Successful applicants will be notified after the panel has met and the funds provided as soon as they are needed preferably by electronic transfer.  Please see the application form.

Guidance for Applications

Subject to sufficient funds being available grants will be made available to Scout Groups or for District projects where:

  • In the opinion of the Awards Panel, they will promote the development of Scouting.
  • The grant is used for the purposes of allowing more young people to access to Scouting and recruiting additional adult leaders and supporters.

The Panel will consider applications such as (but not limited to)

  • A District recruiting initiative whereby Groups would be able to apply for funding to support local recruitment activities.
  • One-off ideas to benefit the whole District e.g., the pizza oven at Frylands is a way to promote healthy eating and hygiene, and the creation of a wet room at Frylands Wood.
  • Create a facility in Ron’s name for young people to use such as an all-weather archery range shelter at Frylands Wood.
  • To promote scouting within diverse communities across the borough.  Any application in this category may need to be an initiative managed by the District Team or a specific team appointed by the DC.
  • Where appropriate, applications to support the cost of leader training will be considered especially where the skills gained will assist in developing the Group or Unit and provide support for young people to take part in additional activities e.g. gaining permits This could be for adventurous activities such as hill-walking or Nights Away Permit training.
  • Funding to pay someone to do some development work.  This would be to resolve a specific issue with the recruitment of adults or youth members in a Group or an area in the borough that might include several Groups.  Such a grant might be limited to £500 for an agreed number of hours of dedicated time.
  • Investing some money to pay for someone’s time to rejuvenate a struggling Group or deprived area.   Such a grant might be limited to £500 for an agreed number of hours of dedicated time.
  • An application by the District Management Team for a grant to assist with training leaders to learn additional skills to support young people. For example; a networking or training day for leaders at Frylands Wood or elsewhere.  This would not take the place of Give-It-a-Go day but complement it by providing some technical training for leaders.
  • Applications for financial support where family hardship is known by the Group Scout Leader will be considered on a case-by-case basis. This support could be where a Group may not have its own funds available to help with hardship such as for subs/membership fees and/or uniforms. Groups are best placed to consider whether a youth member needs financial support because they know their members.  Likewise, support could be given to an adult leader in similar circumstances for help with purchasing a uniform where a Group is not in a financial position to provide that support.

At the conclusion of any project funded by the Fund, copies of receipts are to be sent to the Panel Chair together with a short report of the outcome of the project and where appropriate accompanied by photographs.  The report and photographs (subject to any Scout policy approvals) may be published on the District Website.

Additional Funding Initiatives

‘Fox Trophy Award’

An award to the winning Fox Trophy winners will be granted each year.  The award is to be used by the winning Group to develop and recruit youth members and adult leaders.  The amount is to be determined by the Awards Panel each year.

‘Ron Fox Special Achievement Award’.

A Group or Explorer Unit may submit a written citation to the panel if they feel one of their members deserves this special award by achieving something exceptional during the year.   For example (not limited to these examples):

  • Where a youth member has willingly helped another member with difficulties throughout the year.
  • Where a youth member has been especially helpful to the leaders and thinking of others.
  • Where the youth member has been particularly brave in adverse circumstances either personally or in their family.
  • Where a youth member has carried out some notable charitable work not necessarily as a Scout.

The amount of the award is to be decided by the panel and is to be used for the purposes of supporting the youth member’s section with learning additional skills or badgework.

A special presentation will be made to the youth member by a panel member.

Ron Fox Community Award’

This award is for a Group or Explorer Unit that has completed an environmental project or a community service.  The amount awarded is to be decided by the panel.  The award is to be used for the purposes of development within the Group or Explorer Unit.  This could be to recruit additional members or leaders.

2nd Deptford Restart Fund

District Commissioner Jennifer McCullough with new leader Kirsty Baxter at the 2nd Deptford’s Annual General Meeting with some of the new Beavers who had been invested.

Ron Fox: Awards Panel


The Ron Fox Awards Panel is a sub-committee of the District Executive Committee responsible for the allocation of grants to Scout Groups.


The Panel’s quorum is three.


The Panel is responsible for awarding grants from funds made available by the District Executive Committee in accordance with the “Ron Fox Fund Terms of Reference” approved by the District Executive Committee.

Reporting to

Lewisham District Executive Committee. The Chair will ensure that a written report is submitted to each meeting of the District Executive Committee on key issues.

Frequency of meetings

The Panel will normally meet four times each year or otherwise as the Panel Chair may consider necessary.


  • To allocate funds to Scout Groups to support development proposals/projects;
  • To ensure that grants made are as effective as possible in encouraging the development of Scouting;
  • Where insufficient funds are available to support all bids made to decide an appropriate allocation between the applicants.

In making decisions as to allocation the Panel will have regard to the Ron Fox Fund Terms of Reference.

Membership of Sub-Committee

All members other than ex-officio members are appointed by the District Executive Committee. Membership will comprise:

  • The Panel Chair
  • Up to 6 additional members with relevant knowledge and experience representing the full geographical spread of the District.

The District Commissioner and the District Chair are ex-officio members of the Panel in accordance with the District Constitution.

Special Achievement!

The panel awarded the first Ron Fox Special Achievement Award to Lili of the Golden Hind Explorer Unit in November.  The award will be used to help with the costs associated with Lili’s participation at the next World Scout Jamboree in Korea 2023.

‘’Thank you so much for giving up you’re evening to come along to Golden Hind and present the award to Lili, which made it so much more special. Her family are so chuffed, grateful and extremely proud!’’

Katie Sturgess, Golden Hind Explorer Volunteer