Yellow card Purple card Orange card Green card Safety checklist cards
About Lewisham Scouts
Hey, my name is Luke, I am a Scout leader for the 1st New Cross and District Comm's for Lewisham. I love volunteering my time and Helping where I can.
Emergencies and Reporting
Emergencies and Reporting It is important to know what to do in an emergency and for all involved in an activity to be on the same page with what is going to happen. It is also important to have clear…
Managing a safe Scout premises
General Information This guidance takes you through a selection of common areas requiring safety checks and provides signposting to further guidance. Fire Safety This guidance includes links to an example fire safety checklist, fire safety action plan and fire safety…
Safety in the programme
Safety Badges Teaching young people about staying safe is a vital skill for life, check out where there are direct connections to activity badges here. Managing free time activities safely This guidance is designed to provide leaders with some suggestions…
General Activity Guidance
There is guidance and support for a wide range of activities you may choose to do in the Scouts.
Planning and assessing risk
Assessing risk in order to reduce or remove it is at the heart of safe Scouting and is present in everything we do. Remember risk assessment is something we all do every day in deciding to cross a road or…
Safety training
Information, training and guidance provided on this page is produced solely to assist Scout Groups to understand their responsibilities for Safety. TSA accepts no liability for use or reliance upon any of the information published on this website by anyone…