Where: Lewisham Scouts, London Contact: Jennifer McCullough Contact Email: dc@lewishamscouts.org.uk Contact Phone: 07885203394 Open Volunteer Spots: Unlimited


This role meets a need to support the District Explorer Scout Commissioner by co-ordinating administration across the District’s Explorer Scout Units including arranging for regular financial reporting to District Treasurer.

Key Tasks

The following are the ‘General’ duties of the role which will be made more specific in accordance with the needs of the District on appointment to the role.

  • Development and upkeep of the District Explorer Scout Records and Meetings.
  • Maintain a high level of Communication with all Explorer Scouts and Explorer Scout Leaders in the District, to assist retention.
  • Liaise with GSL(s) and Scout Leader(s) in order to maintain a register of Scout Section members over the age of 13, to assist recruitment in Explorer Scout Units through the effective use of the moving on the award.
  • Communicate with potential Explorer Scouts to make them aware of the opportunities available to them in Explorer Scouting.

Express Interest in Volunteering

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