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- The Fund is managed by an Awards Panel which is a sub-committee of the District Executive Committee. The size of the pot will be established by the DEC (based on the income received by the fund) but the allocation of the money will be delegated to the panel.
- The fund is to be used to provide grants for financial support to assist Scout Groups and Explorer Units in the Scout District of Lewisham
- Applications for support for relevant projects will also be considered for Frylands Wood Activity Centre and Hammerwood Camp Site while both these assets remain within the management and/or ownership of Lewisham District Scout Council or Scout Groups registered in Lewisham Scout District.
- The fund is to be used to develop, promote growth and assist with the experience of Scouting for the young people in the Scout District of Lewisham.
- The money in the fund will be invested in a low to medium-risk account or accounts and the interest received will fund grants for successful applications.
- The Award Panel will normally meet to consider applications four times a year, ideally in January, April, July, and October. Any changes in meeting months will be published on the District website. In the event of no applications being made, a decision not to meet may be taken.
Applications for consideration must be submitted to the panel chair by the 1st day of the meeting months mentioned above to allow panel members to have time to read and consider all applications. In exceptional circumstances, the panel may agree to consider urgent applications outside of the usual submission dates.
Equally, if an urgent application for funds is received, the panel may consider holding an additional meeting.
- Applications from Groups are made by completing the form made available by the Awards Panel and indicating the sum applied for.
Where there is an application to purchase an item or items, supporting documentation should be attached to the application such as the costs of items to be purchased and where possible, photographs.
The application must be signed and approved by either the Group Scout Leader or the Group Chair. In the absence of a Group Scout leader or Chair, the District Commissioner may consider an application and if agreed they will be the appointed approver of the application before submission to the awards panel.
- If an application is for partial funding for a specific project, the applicant must provide full details of any funding applied for or proposed to be applied for from any other funders. and details of any self-fundraising for the project.
- Applications submitted by Groups will only be considered by the panel if the Group has sent their up-to-date and approved accounts to the District Secretary in accordance with POR. This is because the panel must consider whether an application is appropriate should the Group have a significant surplus of monies. However, a Group may make a case for a grant even if the accounts show a surplus. This might be because the surplus is either ring-fenced or designated for specific purposes. Explorer Units must also have submitted up-to-date income and expenditure accounts with the District Treasurer.
- The Fund will provide awards to support the development of existing Groups subject to sufficient income from investments being available. This might involve supporting an application for a small start-up grant to open a new section within an existing Group or include funding to support the development of Scouting in diverse areas of the District and areas of deprivation.
- Successful applicants will be notified after the panel has met and the funds provided as soon as they are needed preferably by electronic transfer. Please see the application form.