Safeguarding Training
As adults in Scouts, the safety of young people is our priority. The Safeguarding training ensures that you understand how to keep young people and adults safe in Scouts and includes how to recognise abuse and report concerns.
It’s important that Safeguarding training is completed within the first five months of your role start date (as recorded on Compass) and then kept up to date. It is required to be renewed every three years.
It’s independent learning, so you don’t have to attend a course to complete it.
Safeguarding Commissioner briefings
Safeguarding Commissioner briefings are delivered by the Safeguarding team for District, County/Area/Region Commissioners and deputies.
Who should take the training?
You can find out if your role is required to complete Safety training by checking Appointments: Table 2 in POR. If you have completed the Safety training you can find out when your renewal date is from the mandatory ongoing learning tab in your training profile in Compass.
What’s included in the training?
There are five lessons in the module and an assessment at the end. You’ll need to score 100% in the assessment to unlock the certificate of completion.
We have produced a reference guide to the content of the Safeguarding Mandatory Ongoing Learning. This guide can be used for reference before, during or after you do the e-learning, read the guide.
What are the training objectives?
By doing this e-learning, you’ll:
- understand the Safeguarding Policy and how to keep young people and adults at risk safe
- understand the Young People First Safeguarding Card Code of Practice (Yellow Card)
- know how to recognise abuse
- know how to report concerns
- know what to do to keep Scouts safe.