- A District recruiting initiative whereby Groups would be able to apply for funding to support local recruitment activities.
- One-off ideas to benefit the whole District e.g., the pizza oven at Frylands is a way to promote healthy eating and hygiene, and the creation of a wet room at Frylands Wood.
- Create a facility in Ron’s name for young people to use such as an all-weather archery range shelter at Frylands Wood.
- To promote scouting within diverse communities across the borough. Any application in this category may need to be an initiative managed by the District Team or a specific team appointed by the DC.
- Where appropriate, applications to support the cost of leader training will be considered especially where the skills gained will assist in developing the Group or Unit and provide support for young people to take part in additional activities e.g. gaining permits This could be for adventurous activities such as hill-walking or Nights Away Permit training.
- Funding to pay someone to do some development work. This would be to resolve a specific issue with the recruitment of adults or youth members in a Group or an area in the borough that might include several Groups. Such a grant might be limited to £500 for an agreed number of hours of dedicated time.
- Investing some money to pay for someone’s time to rejuvenate a struggling Group or deprived area. Such a grant might be limited to £500 for an agreed number of hours of dedicated time.
- An application by the District Management Team for a grant to assist with training leaders to learn additional skills to support young people. For example; a networking or training day for leaders at Frylands Wood or elsewhere. This would not take the place of Give-It-a-Go day but complement it by providing some technical training for leaders.
- Applications for financial support where family hardship is known by the Group Scout Leader will be considered on a case-by-case basis. This support could be where a Group may not have its own funds available to help with hardship such as for subs/membership fees and/or uniforms. Groups are best placed to consider whether a youth member needs financial support because they know their members. Likewise, support could be given to an adult leader in similar circumstances for help with purchasing a uniform where a Group is not in a financial position to provide that support.
At the conclusion of any project funded by the Fund, copies of receipts are to be sent to the Panel Chair together with a short report of the outcome of the project and where appropriate accompanied by photographs. The report and photographs (subject to any Scout policy approvals) may be published on the District Website.