‘Fox Trophy Award’
An award to the winning Fox Trophy winners will be granted each year. The award is to be used by the winning Group to develop and recruit youth members and adult leaders. The amount is to be determined by the Awards Panel each year.
‘Ron Fox Special Achievement Award’.
A Group or Explorer Unit may submit a written citation to the panel if they feel one of their members deserves this special award by achieving something exceptional during the year. For example (not limited to these examples):
- Where a youth member has willingly helped another member with difficulties throughout the year.
- Where a youth member has been especially helpful to the leaders and thinking of others.
- Where the youth member has been particularly brave in adverse circumstances either personally or in their family.
- Where a youth member has carried out some notable charitable work not necessarily as a Scout.
The amount of the award is to be decided by the panel and is to be used for the purposes of supporting the youth member’s section with learning additional skills or badgework.
A special presentation will be made to the youth member by a panel member.
‘Ron Fox Community Award’
This award is for a Group or Explorer Unit that has completed an environmental project or a community service. The amount awarded is to be decided by the panel. The award is to be used for the purposes of development within the Group or Explorer Unit. This could be to recruit additional members or leaders.