What if the section I want to join is full?
Lots of young people want to join Scouting and you might have to wait for a space to become available before you can start your journey. There are always other groups within the area who would love to have you join them. You can find the local groups with spaces here.
What should I do if my child has additional needs?
If you have any questions about accessibility, it’s best to contact us in addition to your application to join. By being upfront about additional needs from the start, parents/carers can work in partnership with local leaders to make sure their young person has the best experience possible.
What will my first night be like?
On your first night at any section, you’ll be taking part in lots of activities and get to know the other young people in the section. You will be assigned a buddy to assist you and answer any questions you have. You should make sure you wear something you feel comfortable in, you don’t mind getting messy and won’t restrict you when completing the activity.
Once you are settled in your section, you will begin to wear a uniform to meetings and trips. Wearing a uniform is comfy and practical, it also ensures no one is left out and helps you all to feel part of something bigger. You can show off your badges on your uniform too.
What can I do to support my child’s section?
Whilst you can of course join the leadership team or support as a management volunteer, there are many less time consuming tasks that you can complete to help support your child’s journey in Scouting: Tidy-uppers, Tea-makers, Camp cooks, Treasurers and the all important general Dogs Body.
How can I still be part of Network when I go to University or move away for work?
Yes, Scout Network is truly flexible. You can be part of which ever District you want to be, including the District you have already formed bonds with and the District you are now a part of. If you do not wish to affiliate with any particular district, you can also opt to just be part of the UK Scout Network, which gives you the same great access to the opportunities as every 18-25 year old in the UK. You may also want to check whether your university has a Student Scout and Guide Organisation (SSAGO).
I am over 25, can I still join Scouting?
There are many options available to you as an adult in Scouting. You could be a Volunteer or a member of a Scout Active Support Section. You could support international camps as an International Service Team member or support a local campsite as a crew member. If you have any questions on how you can get involved, please contact us.